Established in 1972 the first Blaine Food Bank operated out of the United Church of Christ. After several moves, the City, Northwood Alliance Church and Stafholt donated land and Ken Kellar built and donated our current building.
Thank You Northwood Chapel
Since the beginning of our operation at our current location Northwood Chapel has proven to be, not only a wonderful neighbor, but a true and valued “silent” partner of the Blaine Food Bank in our effort to provide the most basic of human needs, wholesome nutrition for our neighbors who face hunger.
We are at our current location as a result of the generosity of Northwood Chapel. They gifted us the necessary land for our facility, and use of their parking lot for our volunteers and guests. More recently they gifted us land that allowed us to install a much-needed cooler. We recently approached them once again, for additional land to serve as ‘green space’ that is required for us to replace our tent facility with a larger permanent pole building structure.
Northwood Chapel and the Blaine Food Bank have been in service to our community for decades. We have both evolved through hard work and dedication and in the spirit of unity in community. We are privileged to do the work that we do, and Northwood Chapel, we celebrate you, and are so humbled and grateful to partner with you in offering Hope to struggling individuals and families.