Support from our Community is Vital.
For years, During the Holiday season we run a "Matching Fund Campaign". It is the only time that we reach out to our community for monetary support. A local anonymous private donor offers us $40,000 if the funds are matched by our community. We depend on this campaign as donations received are vital to purchase milk and eggs for the individuals and families that we serve.
In addition, we are so grateful for the "Heroes Against Hunger Campaign," held by Haggen stores, Safeway and Albertsons "Nourishing Neighbors Campaign," Industrial Credit Union's Annual Food Drive and Ferndale Grocery Outlet, "Independence From Hunger Campaign."
We also rely on the unbelievable contributions through Blaine Primary, Elementary, Middle, and High School food and penny drives, "Blaine Gives Back" and "Make a Change Campaigns."
We are so grateful and appreciative for the support from our community and partners during these most challenging economic times. Our whole community has wrapped us in their arms and given us the most comforting hug. To all our donors: thank you for what you do to help individuals and families in our community who face hunger and uncertainty. It is with your generosity and caring that we are able to serve. With your support, as long as we are needed, we will be here.





We are humbled, and so very grateful that the Good Ol’ Boys once again chose the Blaine Food Bank as the recipient of the funds collected through their 2024 Golf Tournament Fundraiser. Under the leadership of Thomas Yang they accomplished more, than in our wildest dreams, we had ever imagined possible! Beginning in mid-summer they launched a campaign that included wagering small amounts on each hole, an Afternoon Social hosted by the Yangs to kick off the tournament that included food, games, a silent auction and raffle, and on the final day of the tournament an Awards Luncheon with a silent auction and raffle in the beautiful Arnold Palmer Room at Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club. At the close of that event Thomas Yang and the Good Ol’ Boys presented the Blaine Food Bank with a check in the UNBELIEVABLE amount of $50,090.00! We are beyond grateful for their generosity, their commitment to invest in the future of struggling friends and neighbors, and their faith in us and the work that we are so privileged to do.
The Blaine Food Bank has aways been a grass-roots resource for individuals and families who face hunger. We work to provide nutritious food to the ever-increasing number of folks who seek our help to feed their families, all while we strive to fill the ever-widening gap of lack of resources. Like the families we serve, we face the challenges of diminished government support and the increased cost of food. Three years ago, we couldn’t imagine the scale we would be facing today. The efforts of the Good Ol’ Boys on behalf of families seeking hunger relief are a true reflection of the caring community we are so fortunate to call home. We remain steadfast in our resolve to turn Hunger to Hope for struggling individuals and families and, on behalf of them, extend sincere and heartfelt thanks to the Good Ol’ Boys for their generosity and for their unwavering faith in our mission.

Miss Katie from Oakland, CA visiting her family, who are Blaine residents. Kate and her family remember her parents' special occasions each year with a generous gift to the Blaine Food Bank in their honor.
What a wonderful way to celebrate your parents and still extend a hand to individuals and families who experience hunger. She even came in for a visit and took time for a picture!
Thank you so much Kate and Family!
Thank you to Haggen Food, the Haggen Foundation and the community for their donations to help support hunger relief! Everyone's donation efforts raised $20,600 that will directly benefit the Blaine Food Bank as well as the individuals and families we serve!