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You are welcome to visit us three days-a-week.

Monday 9a-12p, Wednesday 5p-7p

and Friday 9a-12p

Our incredible team at the Blaine Food Bank is working tirelessly to continue to serve our community through most challenging economic times.


We are so proud to offer folks a market style shopping experience in our brand-new pole building, where we continue to offer fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, protein, and bakery. This building is dedicated to our faithful volunteers and donors who have given selflessly throughout the years, in our mission to turn Hunger to Hope for struggling individuals and families in our community.


This building was made possible through the immeasurable generosity of:


A true friend and neighbor, Northwood Chapel, that once again gifted us precious land to expand our operation.


Local anonymous donors who have supported us for many years through major projects and funded this building and construction.


Thank you to All!


View Our Calendar for Food Bank Hours and other events. 

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